
Showing posts from September, 2019

Living in a Culture of Violence

Living in a Culture of Violence I often wonder what type of person I have become through the experiences I’ve had in Uganda. I am afraid I’ve become someone who is continually dubious of intentions, presumptuous of actions and judgmental of people. I have tried asking myself why I often find myself falling into these easy responses. Why it is that without cause I presume intentions and react defiantly. My easy answer is that violence in Uganda has led me to be more violent. This is false. Uganda is not more violent than the U.S. Ugandans are not more inclined to be violent, quite the opposite Ugandans are compassionate, king-hearted people who will first invite a stranger into their home to share a meal and tea before asking for their name or background. Why then, if the lifestyle and culture in Uganda is not more violent than the U.S. and other places in the world, do I and so many others feel more inclined to be reactive instead of reflective when interacting with other...